Solution # 4 – “I’m Lazy” – (Workout Motivation Tips)

The first thing that I usually respond with is “Thank you”, which I always get back a, “What?”.

The reason for the thank you is that when someone says,  they don’t want to do anything because they are lazy, I’ll take that as an honest person telling me that they really have NO DESIRE whatsoever to accomplish anything.  Which in that case I can move on and find those who really want to move forward.

One item to note though is, due to the negative effects of the slight edge principle, doing nothing for your fitness might not hurt you today or tomorrow or even next month.  But, 5 and 10 years from now the compounding effects of NO ACTION, will compound upon itself and leave one wondering….”what if I just did something daily for my health, would I be in a healthier state today”

Remember folks the time is going to pass whether we like it or not.  I recommend a daily 30 minute to an hour burst of some form of physical activity that will compound it self in the years to come.

If you are still to lazy to do even a little bit, then you are the only one that can help you.


– Workout Motivation Tips – 21 days of solutions

Solution #3 – I can’t stay consistent… (Workout Motivation Tips)

Hello everyone,

First off to those who are reading these posts thank you and I hope there is added value in the information that I am providing.

Starting off I have to say that lack of consistency by far RANKS up there at the top with “I have no time”.   Why is it so hard to stay consistent with a new fitness habit?  That is the question that I am going to answer and hopefully provide a few tips and tricks to solve.

#1.   Lack of desire :  First and foremost, the #1 cause of moving another task in the way of your gym time would be that you really don’t want the results that bad.  Come on lets face it, if I was to tell you that I would give you $1,000,000 dollars if you worked out 6 days a week for 3 months, would you complete the task?!  UH YEAH!!!  But wait I thought you said you have a problem with consistency….or is it really that you don’t want the results that bad.

#2.  You do have the desire but a busy life:   So you get to the gym here and there but life seems to get in the way.   Is your only reason that you cant get in the gym because you have to handle other business or errands?   What happens when you get home?  What about knocking out a quick work out video, or jogging around the block, or doing some push-ups?   Doing something to keep the consistency going is better than not doing any thing and breaking your habit.  Eventually you will reach your goal.  Just don’t do NOTHING.

#3.  Get a coach to motivate you:  maybe you need to get someone to get you in the gym or hitting the weights for 30-60 days straight. If you actually make it 60 days then there is a good chance a habit will be formed and you can keep the ball rolling.

#4.  STOP THINKING AND JUST GO DO IT!  – take the energy you put in to beating yourself up for not being consistent and put it in to being creative on fun ways to fit in the needed time to maintain the right habits.



“Workout motivation tips – Solution Series #3”